Emails are a widely recognized tool to attract customers and create business. But how does this really work? Somehow, just writing a few lines can't be enough.
The following guide is a first introduction into what to do when dipping your toes into the world of online marketing. Combined, these easy-to-follow steps will help you stand out in your clients' email inbox.
1. Build your Email List
Have a newsletter signup on your website
Create a lead magnet (Give people a reason to sign up)
- offer discounts
- write white papers that are valuable for your clients (e.g. "kitchen design guide", "the 101 of xyz" "how to sell your house" "10 reasons to abc")
add value to people's lives.
2. Timing is Important
- Mo - Thu
- 6-7am (You're on the top of the email inbox first thing in the morning)
- 12-1pm (You're on the top of the email inbox first thing after lunch)
3. Plan your Email Campaign
Identify your goal
- define your target audience and their pains and needs
- solve your clients' problems
- make your goal measurable & attainable
make your goal relevant to your business and your clients' needs
- What do I want people to do? Make that your link text
... and no, "Click Here" is not an option :-)
Have a landing page in mind
- don't lead people to your homepage only
- set up a page where they get what you promised them in your email.
4. Create Delightful Content
Write great subject lines
avoid spammy subject lines (
Super Sale on NOW!!!!!) -
avoid boring subject lines (
Monthly Newsletteris a no no) - promise value "How to (really!) organize your life for good"
sometimes create urgency - "25% all special coatings for the month of August only"
avoid spammy subject lines (
Write for a goldfish or a third grader (it makes for better opening rates)
- use imagery and links
- short sentences
- use formatting (bullet points, sometimes bold)
- spell the call-to-action out ('Get your Kitchen Guide Here')
- add a slight sentiment (slightly positive or slightly negative) - try to not be overly enthusiastic nor overly negative.